Avid Library Lovers have discovered that they can leverage the power of personal connections to make a difference at TCPL. How do they raise tens, hundreds, even thousands of dollars, all to back the Library's mission to provide access to information for everyone, free of charge? They join Team TCPL!
How to Join the Team
You can become a member of Team TCPL by organizing your very own fundraiser for the Library. Your fundraiser can be as personal, challenging, or quirky as you are! Whether that means asking for donations instead of birthday presents on Facebook, knitting sweaters for cats and donating the profits, finding people to sponsor you on a marathon roller skating journey, or hosting a celebrity charity music event (we can dream big, right?), all ideas are welcome!
Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
Make and sell jewelry and donate a percentage of the profits
Host a karaoke competition where contestants pay an entry fee and donate the proceeds
Ask people to donate a certain amount--a dollar, for instance--for every book your child reads over the summer
Have a garage sale--or a neighborhood-wide garage sale--and donate the proceeds
Take donations where each dollar counts as a vote to determine what you will wear to your first day of school, your wedding, or another big event--and take and share lots of photos!
How the Foundation can help
The Library Foundation is here to help support you on your fundraising adventure. We will help you promote your fundraiser; provide you with information about TCPL, the Foundation, and our mission; give you permission to use our Team TCPL logo in your fundraising materials, whether online or in print; provide donation forms; send acknowledgements, tax receipts, and thank yous to donors and supporters, if you give us their contact information; and follow up on your event with public appreciation on our website, social media accounts, newsletter, or a press release. For more details about what the Library Foundation can and cannot do to assist you in your Team TCPL activity, view this document by clicking here.
How to get started
How to get started!
Start by completing this form. A Foundation staff member will contact you with approval for your event.
Please note: the Foundation cannot accept donations of books for TCPL. If you have books you wish to donate, please contact the Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library at info@booksale.org to see how your book donation can be used.