Library Literati Events
Who Are the Library Literati?
Literati are traditionally defined as well-educated literary people. Along with loving literature (which we consider in broad terms), our Library Literati group is made up of people who also love the Library!
Through special social events, Library Literati support TCPL--and have a fun time doing it. Since the launch of the Literati in 2019, we've hosted a Library Speakeasy, with costumes, food, drinks, games, and more, online trivia events, where participants enjoyed the literary puns and esoterica of Quizmaster and local celebrity, Bob Proehl, and Hold On, Let Me Ask a Librarian, inspired by the NPR classic, Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me.
We're always dreaming up fun events! If you'd like to be among the first to know about these fun, unique opportunities to support TCPL, sign up for our semi-regular e-blasts using this link.
I was so excited when I could get my library card at TCPL. As an Ithaca College student, getting to be part of the library began to solidify my identity as an Ithacan. I've loved getting to see how TCPL fosters community between its users with events like Library Literati's Trivia Nights to Family Storytimes. I love TCPL because it welcomes everyone.
--Rachel Balzano,
former Library Foundation Board of Directors
Past Literati Events
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
6 - 9 PM
South Hill Cider

Thank you to our Media Sponsor

We did it again! Despite the rain and cold, Readers and Library Lovers came out to share camaraderie, books, and yummy food and drinks - all in support of TCPL! In between blocks of silent reading, voices were raised in praise of the freedom to read, whatever the method. The merits of reading physical versus electronic books, graphic novels or picture-free, nonfiction or fiction - these topics and more were passionately discussed - but on one thing everyone agreed: Reading Is Cool. It was a blast and we can't wait to have another. Sign up to receive our e-news and find out when the next Silent Reading Party will be!
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Argos Warehouse

Our first-ever Silent Reading Party on April 10th was a hit! Readers and Library Lovers came together for an evening of silent reading, finger foods, and literary-themed cocktails and mocktails. Thank you all who attended!

Sponsored by Odyssey Bookstore

October 28, 2021
Inspired by the popular NPR show Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Hold on...Let Me Ask a Librarian featured a panel of special guests answering questions about TCPL's resources, history, treasures, and secrets, as well as some Tompkins county trivia. Attendees played along from home.

Sponsored by Crossfit Vertical
Event Partner
February 26, 2021
This time, Table for One Trivia assisted Quizmaster Bob Proehl, and the result was fun, creative, and educational trivia enjoyed by all.

October 7, 2020
Our first-ever Virtual Trivia Night Event was a blast! There were incredible costumes, punny questions and answers, lots of laughs and cheering, and, of course, a few technical difficulties. Trivia Master Bob Proehl provided questions that really kept people on their toes.
October 11, 2019
Our very first Literati event was a Speakeasy in the Library after hours, complete with drinks, food, music, games of chance, costumes, and much, much more. It was a blast--and it was all to raise money for TCPL! Check out the video for highlights.